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PS2 Dual Axis Xy Analog Joystick Module


Key Features :

  1. Two independent Potentiometer: one for each axis ( X and Y)
  2. Auto return to the center position
  3. Low weight
  4. Cup-type Knob
  5. Compatible to interface with Arduino or with most microcontrollers

 115.00  120.00


PS2 Dual Axis Xy Analog Joystick Module

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KY-023 Analog JoystickDual Axis XY Joystick Module is a quality Joystick Module. It can be used to sense movements in 2 directions(axes).Dual Axis Joystickalso has an inbuilt switch that can be activated by pressing the stick. Directional movements are simply two potentiometers one for each axis. Pots are ~10k each.With the help of thisKY-023 Analog JoystickDual Axis XY Joystick Module, you can measure position coordinates on the X and Y axis by moving the hat.KY-023also contains a switch that is press-able by pushing the hat.Arduino Joystickalso contains a switch that is press-able by pushing the hat down. Similar to the XBOX controller.The X and Y axes are two 10k potentiometers that control 2D movement by generating analog signals. When the module is in working mode, it will output two analog values, representing two directions. This module uses the 5V power supply, and value, when reading through analog input, would be about 2.5V, a value will increase with joystick movement and will go up to a maximum of 5V; the value will decrease when the joystick is moved in other direction till 0V.The KY-023 Analog Joystick2 Axis XY Joystick Moduleis made up of two passive potentiometers (variable resistors) and a push-button and therefore can be used at any standard voltage level.KY-023 Analog Joystick Dual Axis XY Joystick Module is similar to the analog joystick on PS2 (PlayStation 2) controllers. Thejoystickalso has a push-button that could be used for special applications. When the module works, it outputs two analog values and a digital value. The 2 analog outputs represent the location of the two potentiometers and the digital output represents if the button has been pressed.

Features Of KY-023 Dual-axis XY Joystick Module:

  • Two independent Potentiometer: one for each axis ( X and Y)
  • Auto return to the center position
  • Low weight
  • Cup-type Knob
  • Compatible to interface with Arduino or with most microcontrollers

Specifications Of Analog Joystick Dual Axis XY PS2 Joystick Control Lever Sensor for Arduino:

  • Operating Voltage: 5V
  • Internal Potentiometer value: 10k
  • 2.54mm pin interface leads
  • Dimensions: 1.57 in x 1.02 in x 1.26 in (4.0 cm x 2.6 cm x 3.2 cm)
  • Operating temperature: 0 to 70 C

Sample Code(Arduino)


  • GND: Ground (0V)
  • Vcc: Power (+5V)
  • VRx: X-axis potentiometer.
  • VRy: Y-axis potentiometer.
  • SW: Push-button.


  • Camera Pan/Tilt Control
  • Game Input/Control
  • Robot Control
  • Analog Input of Parameters
  • Widely use in DIY projects

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