MB-102 Breadboard 830 Points Solderless Prototyping Breadboard
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Breadboard Project Board MB102 Solder-less breadboard is commonly used by students and hobbyists to quickly assemble an electronics project without using soldering station. These Breadboard Project Board MB102 can be connected with one-another to make a larger board for complex projects.
- Mb102 Bread Board
- 830 Solder-less Points
- Ideal for Experimenting With Circuit Design In Labs
- Compatible with resistance, diodes, transistors, LEDs , Capacitors and other types of electronic components
- Completely reusable
- Colored coordinates for easy components placement.
- Phosphor bronze nickel plated spring clips.
- Accept a variety of wire sizes 20-29 AWG
- Size : 166 mm X 54 mm
- 2 distribution strip 1 Termina strip
- 200 distribution holes
- 630 terminal hoes
- ABS plastic
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