Orginal UNO starter kit
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The Arduino Starter Kit In Pakistan Arduino Basic Kit Arduino Beginner Kit is the ultimate educational solution for learning how to use the Arduino platform. It contains anArduino Uno Rev3 board, a collection of sensors and, Motors, leds Dot-matrix, Lcd and many more which are necessary for very first steps with electronics into the world of interactive and sensing objects.Arduino Starter Kitis a great gift for kids ages 9 to 99. The Arduino starter kit provides an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It contains all of the essential components required to start programming with the Arduino Uno board.
Here is list of parts which are in this kit.
- 2 5k Rm065 Variable Resistor
- 10 1/4 Watt, Quarter Watt, 0.25W 5% Resistor (220R)
- 1 10k Variable Resistor Potentiometer Volume Type
- 5 A1015 PNP Transistor
- 2 Tip122 NPN Darlington Transistor
- 5 2sc945 C945 50V 0.15A Bipolar NPN Transistor
Integrated Circuits:
- 1 8×8 Dot LED Matrix MCU Control Display Module Max7219
- 1 CA 1 Digit 7 Segment 0.7 Inch LED Common Anode Display
- 1 ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1 KY-022 Arduino Infrared Sensor Infrared Receiver Module
- 1 HC-SR04 HC-SR04 Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor
- 1 Green Color 1602 Character LCD Display
- 1 8×8 Dot LED Matrix MCU Control Display Module
- 1 CA 1 Digit 7 Segment 0.7 Inch LED Common Anode Display
- 1 Arduino Uno R3
- 1 USB Cable for Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega
- 1 Arduino Infrared Remote
- 1 IR Transmitter LED 5mm Infrared Transmitter
- 1 KY-028 Ky028 Temperature Sensor Module
- 20 20cm Pin to Pin 1 Pin Jumper Wire Dupont Line (Arduino Male to Male)
- 20 20cm Pin to Hole 1 Pin Jumper Wire Dupont Line (Arduino Male to Female)
- 1 MB102 Breadboard 830 Points Solderless Prototyping Breadboard
- 1 2.54mm Pitch 40 Pin Male Header
- 1 2.54mm Pitch 40 Pin Single Row Female Header Strip
- 1 Towerpro Sg90 Sg 90 180 Degree Servo Motor
- 1 24BYJ High Torque Geared Stepper Motor
- 1 DC 2V to 24V 5100 RPM High Torque Mini Micro Motor
- 1 LED 5mm (Mix Colors Pack of 25 Pcs)
- 1 5mm IR Infrared Receiver Photodiode
- 1 TBHP12 230mm x 180mm x 40mm PP Plastic Carry Bag Carry Box Tool Box Carry Case
- 1 75mm 4 Vane Propeller for Small Motor
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